The Filmmaking Process
Principles of Filmmaking
The filmmaking process is generally divided into three specific segments: pre-production, production, and post-production. The guides below contain a plethora of information on the principles of each.
“You told me I have a plethora, and I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is.” – Guapo, from The Three Amigos
Pre-production Guide
Pre-production includes everything required to plan the film and any arrangements that need to be made prior to firing up the camera(s). From visiting locations and getting permission from the owners to use the facility or land if necessary, to script-writing, to storyboarding, planning is an essential part of the filmmaking process.
The following pages will help you with everything you need to consider in the pre-production phase of your project.
Writing A Script
How to write a good script, find your characters’ voices, and format it correctly.
Planning and Storyboarding
It can be very helpful to your crew if you have solid technical plans for them to work from.
Filming Locations
All about finding the right location and securing permission to use it.
Production Guide
On location, production includes setup, teardown, and everything that happens in between. From the moment the cameras start rolling, your set should be well-lit, your mics placed properly, and your camera handled expertly.
Basic Camera Technique
Learn how to hold, operate, and move your camera with fluidity and grace.
Scene Lighting
Simple ways to effectively light your set or location.
Audio Recording
How to record sound in the field.
5 Tips For Framing Your Shots
Guidelines for making sure your framing is the best it can be.
Post-Production Guide
After principal filming has been completed, you need to take the raw footage and turn it into a film. This can be the most time-consuming part of the filmmaking process outside of film schools, but there’s lots of knowledge here that will make it easier on you.
Turning your computer into an editing bay.
Capturing Video Footage
Transferring video from camera to computer.
Digital Video Editing
An overview of the process of using computers to edit footage.
Non-Linear Editing Tutorial
Common editing interfaces and how to find your way around in them.
Making Video Look Like Film
How you can get that magical film look from plain old video.
Comment from jason mukungu
Time: August 24, 2010, 12:06 pm
am a script writer butwant some one to give me a hand of help,thanks.
Comment from Maria Callas
Time: May 23, 2011, 7:36 pm
@ Jason – not to sound coy, but as a writer you should e more careful re: your spelling, punctuation and such
Good luck!
Comment from Sam
Time: August 18, 2011, 11:56 pm
This site has been the MOST helpful site i have found on film making. Thank you so much for all of the effort that has gone into this!
Comment from Gaurav
Time: September 18, 2011, 9:53 pm
Does the marketing of a film not come under post production?
I am new to this, so please excuse if this seems like a stupid question.
however I would like to know how to go about marketing a feature film.
Comment from Kevin Gamboa
Time: November 8, 2011, 5:49 pm
My teacher told me to read this stuff but I don’t know what were going to do
Comment from Kevin Gamboa
Time: November 8, 2011, 5:58 pm
Found out what were going to do make a hero movie
Comment from Ronaldo
Time: November 25, 2011, 3:34 am
nice information,it realy help me to improve my skills
Comment from Starla
Time: January 29, 2012, 11:03 pm
Thank you very much for your wonderful site! I am going to use it for my high school students. Would you perhaps fix the link to the storyboarding secition from “the Fil aking Process – Preproduction” section? I would really like my students to see this!
Thank you again, this is a beautiful, informative site!
Comment from Lilly
Time: December 14, 2012, 7:51 pm
This is one of the best sites for film making I have seen on the web. Thanks!
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Comment from Graham Poplin
Time: February 7, 2010, 4:56 am
I am currently taking a film class, and your site has a lot of useful information for my course. Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Graham Poplin